Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday...A Day of Rest

Tomorrow is Sunday and we thought we'd try a new idea.  We will honor the Sabbath.  My friend, informed me that the Sabbath was not a new idea, but it will be new to us.  As I complained in an earlier post, we do so much and are always so busy, that we hate being busy!!!!!  Today, we did all our chores, house cleaning, homework, and grading and recording papers.  Tomorrow, we will go to church, and then...relax.  We aren't doing like a true Sabbath, with no leaving the house and no activity, but we are doing only fun family together type activities that aren't, "Work."  For example, Hana Girl needs a special fern from the forest for hula so we are going on a quick hike after church to collect it.  Then, in the late afternoon, the girls have a hula performance.  It's kind of sounding busy...but I think the goal is no stress, like "Oh my gosh, I have to do this before tomorrow, or I have to do that."  Just a day of Sabbath that is a day to let go all the worries and stress and focus on our Saviour and Heavenly Father.  I have to admit, I'm not so sure about this.  I didn't accomplish half of what I hoped to accomplish today and I'm already thinking I really need to do somethings tomorrow.  We shall see if I can do it...anyone taking bets?  

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